Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Teams and Roles

Teams and Roles

Q Use this forum for the Teams and Roles exercise. Please create a NEW thread for your post. In that post, please do the following: 1. Start by introducing yourself as the cartoon character you would be if you were not who you are. You can choose any cartoon character you like, from any cartoon. You might also note why you chose that character, but you don't have to do that. 2. Next, include the statement, "I admire others who . . . " and then list some people that you admire and why you admire them. Try to use positive language only (e.g., instead of "I admire people who are not negative," write, "I admire people who are positive." You don't necessarily have to name people who you admire, but the traits that they exhibit that you admire. 3. Finally, if you could be any animal, tell us what that animal would be (a real animal, not a fictitious one, like a unicorn).

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I am Mickey Mouse and I love to make friends with new individuals. I have a very good voice in singing and I can create new songs easily. I am very fond of helping my friends and never refusing to assist any of my friends. I also love to assist strangers. I admire others who become selfless and try to help others to restore peace in conflicting situations. I admire Martin Luther King, Jr. because of the way in which he had shown the true essence of being selfless and assisted other human beings to deliver justice for oppressed human beings.